
The Linguistic Landscape of COVID-19

The Linguistic Landscape of COVID-19

08 27 2020, 21:52
The Linguistic Landscape of COVID-19

Hi everyone,

Today we would like to introduce you to a project titled "Due to COVID-19: Documenting the signs of the pandemic", which aims to document the pandemic-related signs showing up across communities around the world. As we write this blog post, the archive features 1260 photos from 118 different cities in the world. The photos are also available through Instagram and Twitter. You can join the project by submitting a photo you have taken or explore the submitted images. How about developing some lesson plans around some of those pictures for your English classes? Hope you find them as useful as we did.

For more information on the project, please visit: https://duetocovid19.com

An intercontinental project to increase global citizenship awareness through linguistic landscapes in English Language classes. Please contact us to share your ideas and feedback.