  • Linguistic Landscapes in English Language Teaching Project
  • LLinELT: A Pedagogical Guidebook is out!
  • Goals of the Project


This project aimed to increase global citizenship awareness of teacher candidates, in-service teachers of English, and their students in Diyarbakır, Turkey.  In order to reach the goal, the project team introduced the concept of Linguistic Landscapes (LLs), signifying the language surrounding us in forms of words, images, murals, or graffitis in public and/or private spaces, and engage participants in a series of activities including seminars and hands-on workshops. The use of LLs as materials can be particularly useful since LLs are everywhere; they generally reflect sociocultural and linguistic diversity of a community; exemplify symbols and signs featuring language play; and provide everyday examples of the presence of English language in non-English settings. Despite the presence of English in cities in the everyday life, these valuable resources have yet to be purposefully integrated into educational contexts. English language classrooms are ideal spaces for the inclusion of LLs due to the heavy presence of various forms of English language and culture in the everyday landscape. All in all, the ultimate goal was to present opportunities for teachers and teacher candidates to learn and practice integrating LL-based materials into their classes, and thus create a safe atmosphere for learners to discuss issues related to globalization, global citizenship, English as a Lingua Franca, and translanguaging/language play, and engage them in meaningful real-life tasks. Finally, the project formed an online educational community through hosting a database of open-access LL materials (Fort Worth, Diyarbakır) and sample lessons for teachers, teacher candidates, and learners of English across the globe.

“Linguistic Landscapes in English Language Teaching: A Pedagogical Guidebook” is now out! Visit the guidebook page to download it for free!



Our Team

İbrahim Özkaya
İbrahim Özkaya

EFL Teacher, Diyarbakır, Turkey (Proj. Assistant)

Steve Przymus (Ph.D)
Steve Przymus (Ph.D)

TCU, Texas, USA (Assistant Director)

Osman Solmaz (Ph.D)
Osman Solmaz (Ph.D)

Dicle University, Turkey (Director)


An intercontinental project to increase global citizenship awareness through linguistic landscapes in English Language classes. Please contact us to share your ideas and feedback.